ELPA Simpozij 2014: Eradicating Hepatitis C from Europe – Dream or reality?
23 April, 2014.
Iz Hepatosa

Tijekom 49-tog EASL ILC™ 2014, European Liver Patients Association je 12. travnja 2014. god. održala Simpozij naziva: "Eradicating Hepatitis C from Europe – Dream or reality?".
Program Simpozija:
1. Opening
Prof. Dr. Graham R. Foster, UK (moderator)
2. Screening for Hepatitis C
Dr. Andrew Amato, Head of Disease Programme, ECDC
3. Sustained virological response to anti-HCV treatments: A gamebreaker for all patients
Prof. Dr. Massimo Colombo, Italy
4. What the European Commission can do to improve HCV policies at the European level
Mr Matthias Schuppe, Directorate General for Health and Consumers, Health Threats Unit C3
5. What is the sense of HCV screening programs if the patients will have limited access to (the new) drugs in Eastern European countries?
Prof. Dr. Adriana Vince, Croatia
6. HCV prevention in the DAA era: modelling impact, cost-effectiveness, and affordability in Europe
Dr. Natasha Martin, UK
7. How treatment access and efficacy impact HCV eradication in Western Europe
Prof. Dr. Thomas Berg, Germany
8. Hepatitis C in 2020: Case closed, and problem solved?
Mr Ingo van Thiel and Mr Ivan Gardini, ELPA
9. Panel discussion
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